Conventional messageboards / forumsoftware (phpBB, vBulletin) are great tools but provide no or very little room for customising your message(s). Noticeboards is an electronic noticeboard, where users can place their custom notices anywhere on the screen. Logo
project page
bug tracker
Nboards is a next generation public message board. By using Macromedia Flash at the user-interface level, the users can customize their messages to the fullest (background color, font, alignment, images etc.) and place their messages anywhere on the available canvas (for now: 800 x 600).

It is possible to place a message partly over an already placed messages. Clicking a partly covered message reveals this message for a short time. Perhaps a "show all" or "index by post-stamp" button will reveal all messages.

Via PHP, the messages are stored in a mysql database. XML is being used to populate the Flash application with already posted notices (selected from the mysql database).

The creator of the noticeboard, can choose the background, add text and images to the canvas etc.

07 aug 2005: Added MouseOver history
04 aug 2005: Initial setup & project

Check MobRate for an online demo. Please only use text - Nboards is alpha software and it doesn't properly escapes characters yet! Thanks.

08 aug 2005

04 aug 2005